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You'll walk through exercises for the Discern stage. We recommend you do the exercisees as a team.

Exercise 1: "How Might Jesus" Brainstorming

  1. Review your Lament from the Discover stage.
  2. Reframe your Lament and problem statement as a "How Might Jesus" question. For example, "How might Jesus address social media addiction?"
  3. Brainstorm at least 10 possible approaches or solutions, prioritizing solutions with high redemptive impact potential.
Measuring redemptive impact

At FaithTech, we measure redemptive impact by the relationships that develop with God, with the team, and with the beneficiaries of the solution.

Credit: Andy Crouch


You can make a copy of this Miro board to use in your exercises.

Exercise 2: 3RC Analysis

For each of your brainstormed solutions, categorize them into one of the four 3RC postures:

  1. Reject: the solution is not the answer
  2. Receive: there is an existing solution that can be used
  3. Reimagine: there is an existing solution that can be re-purposed
  4. Create: a new solution needs to be built

Explain your reasoning for each categorization.

Reflection Questions

  • Which posture(s) did you find yourself gravitating towards most often? Why?
  • How does the "How Might Jesus" framing change your approach to problem-solving?

In this stage, we seek God's wisdom and discernment in approaching the problem. Remember to remain open to unexpected solutions and approaches that align with Christ's teachings.